The answer to whether it is healthy to be a vegetarian or vegan depends very much on the kinds of foods that the vegetarian or vegan includes in their diet. Although there is a widely held misconception that simply eliminating animal products from your diet equates to good health, this is certainly not the case. While in theory, a vegan or vegetarian diet is good for you, it must still be nutritionally balanced; otherwise, all of the health benefits will be outweighed. A vegetarian or vegan diet that is too high in fats or which fails to contain the right vitamins and minerals will be no healthier than any other way of eating. For example, a vegetarian who eats greasy fries and veggie burgers for dinner every day will be unhealthier than a meat eater who dines on grilled chicken breast and salad. However, the key point to note is that if you follow a healthy and balanced vegan or the vegetarian lifestyle you will enjoy numerous health benefits.

There have been multiple studies which have proved that those who adhere to a nutritious and well thought out plant-based eating plan benefit from a lower chance of developing a whole host of health problems including strokes, diabetes, certain types of cancer, heart disease and obesity, which leads to a longer lifespan. However, these benefits are only gained when the animal-derived products are replaced with extra vegetables, fruits, pulses, soy, beans and other nutritious plant-based foods. Vegetarians and vegans who fall into the trap of snacking on chips and cookies are not going to see any of the health benefits that will be experienced by those who have developed a sensible meat-free eating plan.

Well planned out vegetarian and vegan diets are healthier than meat-based diets for several reasons. Firstly, while a plant-based diet can meet all of the essential protein requirements through the consumption of beans and pulses, they generally have a lower protein intake than a non-vegetarian diet and this is beneficial since high intakes of protein have been connected to kidney failure and osteoporosis. A balanced plant-based diet is also full of vitamins and antioxidants which boost the body’s defense against free radicals which cause disease and premature aging. Vegetarians and vegans also consume less saturated fat and higher levels of unsaturated fats which are better for heart health. When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, vegetarian and vegan diets are also a good choice, since the increased amount of fiber consumed in a plant-based diet helps with the feeling of fullness and therefore helps to cut down on snacking between meals. A meat-free diet can also help to boost the immune system and to promote a healthier digestive system, all of which is good news for those who are keen to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

How is it worth to you?

  • It improves health:

In my experiences and many others, it has drastically improved my health. I had much better concentration, resulting in a vast improvement in my grades and feeling much more energized throughout the day (before I couldn’t get through the day without a nap), which in turn allowed me to do more exercise. I used to suffer from panic attacks, at least one every week, sometimes every day and would constantly feel on edge. Since becoming vegan, I haven’t suffered any panic attacks. I used to have pretty bad eczema on my arms and legs, however, that has completely cleared since going vegetarian in fact. I used to suffer from quite severe IBS and guess what? Since going vegan, I haven’t had an IBS flare-up.

Animal products contain lots of saturated fat and (LDL/’bad’) cholesterol. The optimal LDL cholesterol level is approximately 50–70 mg/dL. An LDL of around this number corresponds to a total cholesterol reading of about 150, which is the level where no deaths from heart disease have been reported. The average vegan has this cholesterol level. Vegans have approximately 75% less risk of Alzheimer’s disease, compared to the average meat eater.

  • Your contribution

By being vegan, you are no longer contributing to the animal cruelty that goes on behind closed doors. Chickens getting their beaks cut off, pigs being castrated, or female cows being sexually exploited. This is something you should take great pride in. Although you could purchase your meat and animal products locally, there is still the negative health impacts of these products and is there really a way to kill an animal humanely, an animal that doesn’t want to be killed.

To sum up, a vegetarian or vegan diet can be extremely healthy, and better for you than a meat-based diet, as long as you take care to plan it well and to ensure that you are eating a balanced range of foods.

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