Is almond good for health?

Almonds are proven to be the most nutritionally dense nuts and considered as the King of Nuts in many cultures around the Globe. This is one of those foods that promote both internal as well as external health (Appearance). Women of all ages can immensely benefit from Almonds, be it enhancing physical beauty, controlling body fat, maintaining high bone density or experiencing healthier and easier pregnancy.

Almonds – Perk up your day with a crunchy smile!

Soaked almonds are common morning cravings for many of us. Scientific name Prunus dulcis, almonds are available in all superstores and malls these days. We can find the presence of this favorite nut or be more precise, drupe, as termed botanically, in the majority of desserts, health drinks, milk products, chocolates, cakes, biscuits and what not! This seed, yeah heard right is actually not a nut. It’s the seed of almond fruit, originated in Western Asia and North Africa. We get the seed when the fruit is ripe by removing its flesh and shell. The hull of the fruit splits open when it’s ripe. To quote Tom Gradziel, an almond researcher at the University of California, “Almonds are basically peaches. But instead of the fruity part becoming fleshy, most of it size up in the kernel.”

Is it really healthy to eat almonds?

Well, if you take a closer look at its nutritive value, almonds do appear as a wonderful addition to one’s diet. As per USDA Nutrient Database, this dry fruit is a rich source of Vitamin E, riboflavin, folate, Vitamin B-6, fiber, calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and monounsaturated fatty acids and iron. Also, it has niacin, zinc, and thiamin and it’s free from gluten.

Few health benefits of almonds that you just can’t let go:

· Maintains HDL cholesterol level & reduce LDL cholesterol level

· Prevents cancer

· Mono-unsaturated fats, potassium, and protein improves heart health

· It strengthens your immune system

· Great for weight loss as mono-unsaturated fat prevents over-eating by keeping you full

· Folic acid in almonds reduces birth defects in newborns. Hence, advised for pregnant women.

Almonds and Facial Beauty

Almonds are replete in Vitamin E and more essentially have a skin penetrating quality when applied in different ways. Therefore can prove to be an effective moisturizer and help exfoliate dead skin cells.

Almonds also contain a natural form of Olein Glyceride called Linoleic acid that helps prevent acne, blackheads and arid skin. No wonder Almonds are now being readily used as an ingredient in various cosmetics, complexion serums and other skin care products that highlight high vitamin content. Simple homemade face packs made from Almonds are an effective beauty aid and may result in a rejuvenated and clear face. The ancient East Indian Ayurvedic science prescribes a simple yet effective facial pack.

The recipe is as follows-

1. Soak 5 to 6 Almonds overnight in water.

 2. Crush and turn into a paste.
3. Add two Teaspoons of Milk cream (collected by boiling whole Milk to the point cream rises on top).
4. Add one Teaspoon of Sandalwood Powder.
5. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
6. Apply a face pack and leave until dry.

7.Wash off with lukewarm water.

Some people substitute Sandalwood powder with a pinch of Turmeric powder as the former may be a little difficult to find in certain parts of the World. In the absence of both a simple pack made of Almond paste and Milk cream is by itself quite sufficient.

We recommend using Organic Almonds for making this face pack.

ALMOND OIL presents itself as a remedy for many skin ailments. Unwanted tan, dark circles, and bags under the eyes, etc can be treated with regular application of almond oil. One teaspoon of almond oil mixed with a teaspoon of Honey and a few drops of lemon juice applied regularly for a few hours may do wonders in a few days in improving such conditions.

Almonds and Weight Loss

Almonds are rich in healthy unsaturated fats. There are 14gms of unsaturated fat and 6gms of protein present in 1oz of Almonds. These properties together with the inherent solid nature of Almonds provide a high level of satiety. When consumed as a snack they curb cravings and consequently result in lesser overall food intake. Therefore, regular Almond intake may prove to be a simple weight control procedure.

Women on an average require at least 12gms of unsaturated fat per day to lower triglycerides and reduce the risk of developing high cholesterol. A single 1oz serving of Almonds sufficiently fulfills this requirement. The monounsaturated fat, in form of Oleic Acid present in Almonds, helps the body better absorb vital nutrients such as vitamin A, B, E and K. In conclusion, it may be beneficial for women to cut down on other sources of fat and raise Almonds as their primary source of Monounsaturated fat.

Almonds skin contains natural pigments called flavonoids, which have potent antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties. Flavonoids work together with vitamin E and C contents of Almonds to increase antioxidant activity and lower harmful cholesterol.

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