Effective Ways to get clear skin

Millions of dollars are spent each year on expensive chemicals in order to look and feel better. Many of us treat these as a quick fix pill thinking if we slap on some cream it will make us look younger yet the issue could be our stressful and unhealthy lifestyle.

It’s what you put inside your body and how you live your life that really makes the profound difference in your beauty – both inside and out.

Today I share the part of the natural beauty routine for skin glowing I follow. Since consistently following this, I have experienced an astonishing difference in my skin, health and energy levels.

It’s a normal desire to get a fairer, flawless and a smoother skin tone as fast as possible. So, here I am providing timeless natural skincare tips & ideas that can make your skin fairer in a week. Follow below-given beauty tips:

Drink more water:

While there’s no definitive scientific study that shows drinking water improves the appearance of your skin, there’s anecdotal evidence of thousands of women who swear by it, and as drinking water is healthy for you anyway, it’s definitely one of the easiest steps to take to get glowing skin.

In all probability, it’s not that water is a miracle cure for skin so much as avoiding dehydration will make your skin look plumper, moister and healthier. I can certainly say from my own experience that mild dehydration makes my skin look dry, dull and sallow!

Exfoliate weekly

Exfoliation is key to beautiful, radiant skin. The best way to exfoliate naturally at home is to take one tablespoon of raw organic coconut oil and mix it with one teaspoon of cane sugar. Gently apply to face and neck in circular motions and rinse with warm water.

I recommend doing this in the shower one-to-two times per week to help maintain your skin in between professional treatments.

Be sun smart

Excessive sun exposure can prematurely age the skin. Protect your skin when out in the sun by wearing a hat and a good sunblock or sunscreen. If you can, avoid direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day or when the UV indicator is high, the entire better.

I prefer the natural sunscreen* (these provide a UV barrier, often with zinc, rather than chemicals penetrating your skin and screening out UV rays), but use what suits you. The downside to natural sunscreens is that they can be greasy and the zinc can give you a pale look.

Be aware that sunscreen alone won’t protect your skin from damage, you want to sit in the shade or avoid the sun when it’s at it’s hottest. Some sun directly on the skin is essential for good health (and good skin) because it’s where we get Vitamin D. Early in the mornings and later in the afternoons are good times to get your Vitamin D without getting the damage.

Some sun directly on the skin is essential for good health (and good skin) because it’s where we get Vitamin D. Early in the mornings and later in the afternoons are good times to get your Vitamin D (no sunscreen) without getting the damage.

Apply night Mask:

Our skin does the most healing while we sleep, so this is the very best time to give your face (and body!) some extra help. Apply a thin layer

hydrating mask over their evening moisturizer. This is especially helpful while traveling when skin can become extra dry or irritated.

One of my favorite DIY masks only requires one avocado, ripe avocado. Take an avocado, and mash it into a pulp. Spread evenly on your face and let sit for at least five-to-ten minutes. 

Or remove the mask, gently wipe your face with a warm, wet cloth.

While we are sleeping, the body is actively repairing and regenerating cells, making new collagen and boosting blood flow to the skin, so for healthy skin cells, you need plenty of healthy, good quality sleep.

Get your beauty sleep:

Lack of sleep can also increase stress hormone levels in the body which can lead to inflammation and poor skin (not to mention poor health). It can also reduce the skin’s ability to stay hydrated.

The old adage that beauty is skin deep isn’t quite true – for beautiful skin, you need to work from the inside out.

Beauty isn’t found in a bottle. Not surprisingly, all of the suggestions are about overall good health as well as good looking skin – our skin reflects our health and is often the first sign that something’s not quite right in our body.

Use Lemon and Aloe Vera:

One of the easiest and simplest way to get a white glow on your face is by rubbing aloe vera-lemon Ice cubes. To prepare, just dissolve 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel and 1/2 squeezed lemon juice to a half cup of water, pour into the ice-cube tray and freeze. Daily in the morning, massage this ice-cube for 2 minutes. Repeat every day for best results. This boost blood circulation in the face leaves skin amazingly refreshed, glossy and fairer.

If you use cosmetics and beauty products, then get them from an authentic website. There are some very good e-commerce websites like Amazon or NewU from where you can buy skin care products from a good array of brands.

Use Orange Juice:

Orange juice keeps your skin healthy and fair. You can use it as a natural fairness toner for your skin. The vitamin C and Vitamin A present in an orange juice minimized spots, pigmentation and give an evenly toned fairer complexion naturally. Take 3 tbsp of chilled orange juice, dip a ball of small cotton wool in this and dab on the face gently. Let it sit for 5 to 7 minutes and then wash off with cold water. Repeat this for up to 7 days to get fair skin.

Use Milk and Banana:

You can simply take pieces of banana and mash them and then apply to your face for instant nourishment as well. Make sure that the bananas are soft enough because that makes it even better. Bananas are also known to be very good tonics for both skin and hair as it provides a lot of moisture and shine. Here the milk is for some added nourishment and is especially very good for dry skin or generally during the winter when our skin is dry. You can Prepare a mixture of banana with milk and apply on top of your face, and neck. This method helps to get fair as well as glowing skin in just 2 days.

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