Is it healthy to eat a lot of fruit?

Fruits are considered as the best source of food. They provide energy along with all the required nutrients. Fruits are natural supplements of the vitamins. They not only provide energy and taste but they possess medicinal value too. Certain fruits are used from ancient times for treating various types of diseases.

Yes, you can have plenty of fruits in a day approx. 4-5 servings but you need to check the serving size in case you have diabetes, as they too contain sugar in the form of fructose.

The human body is a complex machine that needs many things to run smoothly throughout its life span. What we eat, how we live, how much stress we carry, what are the things that trouble us, whether we can overcome the obstacles, whether we are optimistic, all of these contribute to helping this machine run effectively and efficiently.

For us to be healthy, our body needs a balance of vitamins, minerals, sugar, salts, carbohydrates and fibers-and Fruits can play a major role in providing all of this.

Here are some key benefits of including fruit in an everyday diet.
1) Low in fat and calories – Eating plenty of fruit is an easy and tasty way of reducing our calorie intake. Replacing high calorie and high-fat snacks & food with fresh fruits can significantly lower the number of calories in our daily diet.

2) Rich source of Fibre–Fruits are one of the ways that we can add fiber to our diet. Essentially fiber allows our body’s digestive system to function evenly. This in turn aids in reducing obesity, cholesterol level in the body and accumulation of fats. It also aids in smooth bowel movements and reduces diabetes.

3) Packed with Vitamins and Minerals – Every fruit has some key vitamins and minerals that the body cannot do without. Vitamin C (citrus fruits) aids in preventing infection and boosting the immune system. Vitamin A (grapefruit and apricot) is needed for healthy eyes and DNA production. Potassium (bananas and guavas) keeps the blood pressure normal.

Iron (apricots and dry fruits) is necessary to produce red blood cells. Calcium-rich fruits are raisins, prunes, and apricots necessary for the building of bones.

4) Antioxidants and Exfoliating property: Clear and beautiful skin can be achieved by including fruits such as pomegranate, papaya, berries, and lemons. All these are excellent at providing that something extra that your skin needs to remain youthful and blemish free. Apples are rich in pectin which is a starch that is essential to drive away acne! So, start munching those apples right away!

5) Rehydrating and Refreshing: Water content in some fruits like watermelon is very high and aids the body by supplementing the water lost through exercise and other activities.

Good nutrition is the building block to a healthy body! And fruits are an essential part.
Here are some things that you can keep in mind:

  • There is no research that suggests that you can ever over-do the fruit menu. Any number of fruit servings is recommended. However, balance is the keyword – while we can eat all the fruits we like, it will prevent us from eating the rest of the available food that is also necessary for our body.

  • There are fruits that have high sugar content and these will not aid the body if eaten in large quantities. The best example of this is mangoes – the king of fruits which though delicious needs to be eaten in smaller quantities and watchfully.

  • Fruits should always be eaten fresh. Eating seasonal fruits aids the body by providing exactly what it needs for that season. Eating watermelon in the summer is recommended as the high water content helps rehydrate the body.

  • Fruits need to be washed well before ingesting. This is due to the widespread use of pesticides and harmful chemicals in today’s farming. Washing under clear running water or Immersing fruits in water which contains a pinch of salt/vinegar aids in getting rid of the chemicals and the bacteria which can collect on the skin of the fruit. Most fruits need to be eaten with the skin, eg. The pectin in apples in finding on the peel.

  • Eating fruits before meals are considered the best way. The simple sugars in the fruits are absorbed easier and the stomach can easily process the nutrients and fibers available in the fruit. However, this does not mean that they cannot be eaten with or after a meal. Eating fruit before a meal also allows us to put something into our stomach that is low calorie and takes away the keen sense of hunger thus aiding in weight control.

It partially depends upon what you eat in your daily diet.

You have to recognize that the list of fruits you are consuming is rich in digestible carbohydrates ( sucrose, fructose, and glucose). Although they supply you some proteins and a little bit of fat, you need to eat other foods that are rich in proteins and fat, minerals and vitamins to supply the needed nutrients.

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