Veggies are typically low in calories and packed with essential nutrients, making them a critical part of any nutritious diet. Getting more of these nutritious foods could help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, the digestive system problems, vision problems together with cancer. They don’t supply the different essential nutrients, however, so it isn’t smart to eat only fruits together with vegetables for any significant period of time.

Vegetables and fruits are typically low in calories and filled with essential nutrients, making them an essential part of any healthy diet. Getting more of these nutritious foods may help lower your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive problems, vision problems and cancer. They don’t supply all of the essential nutrients, however, so it isn’t a good idea to eat only fruits and vegetables for any significant amount of time. Check with your doctor before attempting such a diet to make sure it would be safe for you. Although a two-week all fruit and vegetable diet might not result in long-term consequences, the longer you follow this type of diet, the more likely you’ll be to experience nutrient deficiencies.

A diet consisting of just fruits and vegetables is probably going to be low in calories overall. Diets that are too low in calories, including those under 1,200 calories per day for women and those under 1,800 calories per day for men, can slow your metabolism and if followed long-term, can increase your risk for heart problems, osteoporosis and other health conditions. If you’re interested in trying this type of diet to lose weight, keep in mind that a slower metabolism also makes weight loss more difficult. Not getting enough calories can also cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, emotional issues and fainting.

Complex carbohydrates take a longer time to break down and use by the body, generating a steady stream of energy, as glucose, through the body. Eating too many fruits, many of which have high or very high GIs, will soar through your bloodstream quickly, leaving you with high blood sugar and a sudden downfall. Thus, the re-feeding of fruits will have to continue many times throughout the day.

Concerning calories, fruits and vegetables have the lowest calorie density compared with other foods, so they have to be eaten in abundance and often. This can lead to not only an inconvenience in your lifestyle but also since they are packed with water and fiber, you might believe you are full without measuring up to your calorie requirements for any given day. Over time, you would lose plenty of weight, as no other fats are consumed.

Many people have converted from veganism or even from a meat-based diet to fruitarianism, which means that the bulk of calories, anywhere from 60% to 100%, come from simple carbohydrates and either 0% to 10% comes from fats. If you are referring to fruits and vegetables only, it could sound like the raw foods/fruitarian diet you are implying – though possibly inadvertently.

Complex carbohydrates take a longer time to break down and use by the body, generating a steady stream of energy, like glucose, through the body. Eating too many fruits, many of which have high or very high GIs, will soar through your bloodstream quickly, leaving you with high blood sugar and sudden downfall. Thus, the re-feeding of fruits will have to continue many times throughout the day.

Ingesting adequate amounts of dietary fat is pivotal to improving your brain function and energy levels, increasing your mood regulation, and ensuring the proper lubrication of your joints.

Concerning calories, fruits and vegetables have the lowest calorie density compared with other foods, so they have to be eaten in abundance and often. This can lead to not only an inconvenience in your lifestyle but also since they are packed with water and fiber, you might believe you are full without measuring up to your calorie requirements for any given day. Over time, you would lose plenty of weight, as no other fats are consumed.

Plus, unlike carbohydrates (which are simply fast-acting pick-me-uppers that can be stored as body fat when ingested in large quantities), fat is a steadier, longer-lasting energy source that is hard to store as body fat.

If your diet is devoid of dietary fat, you’ll still likely suffer from the brain fog, the low energy, the up-and-down moods, and the joint pain that you did before you started improving the quality of the foods you eat.

All those negative effects, even if you’ve been eating healthy sources of protein and veggies!


Moral of the Story: You need to eat a well-balanced diet that entails more than protein and veggies. Throw in some raw nuts and seeds. Throw in some low-glycemic fruits. And yes, once in a while, you can ‘indulge’ (I hate that word!) in some junk food — Provided you can limit your intake of it, and get back on the horse fast!

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