Tips to start your day with positive mindset!

The first few minutes of your morning are the most important of your day and can set the tone for positivity and productivity. Ideally, you have an app or clock that taps into your natural circadian rhythm and wakes you during your “best time” within a certain window. Getting jarred out of a deep REM slumber to the sound of a blaring alarm clock sets you up for a negative day brimming with fatigue and crankiness.

But getting the right alarm clock is only part of the battle.

Waking up early-

Waking before the world & sun at around 4 to 5. This time is called as Brahma muhurat in Hinduism. This gives us more time than others to equip us in every aspect.10–15 days practice of sleeping from 8.30 pm to 9 pm can easily help us in waking us up early morning.

When you open your eyes take a half-smile and then give yourself a good morning wish to fully wake up and then spend a few minutes concentrating on your breathing and relaxing your body.

Why breathing? Respiration as well as being very important, just imagine what would happen if we stopped breathing, it is the connection between our body and our mind. Through our breath, we can reach a calm and mental clarity

Get some positive information into your mind over breakfast.

Start your day with something that does not depress you or makes you feel powerless to change your life or the world in some small or bigger way.

Add inspiration and optimism by for example:

  • Reading one or a couple of new posts from positive, funny or uplifting blogs or websites.
  • Listening to a podcast that boosts your motivation.
  • Reading a chapter from a book that inspires you.

Get clear about your intentions for the day

For example, you can intend to have a productive day. You can intend to have quality time with your family and friends with no distractions. You can intend to have fun and brilliant day. You can intend to have a calm and peaceful day. You can intend to learn something new or be helpful to someone. Whatever it is just be clear about what it is you want your day to be. In order to create, manifest, and attract it, you must first align your heart, mind, and spirit with your intention. In other words, you truly need to feel it!

Many people don’t understand the power of thoughts, because they live every day on autopilot, doing most things out of habit, and therefore they create their reality unconsciously as if they’re wearing a blindfold. But whether we’re aware of it or not, we create our reality with our thoughts and behavior – and this means we have the power to choose to be a conscious, mindful creator and change our reality to what we really want it to be. Remember, you choose your thoughts, you choose your behavior, you choose the outcome. And every choice you make determines how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Read something inspiring:

Inspiring reading material will motivate you and get you ready for the day. Reading this type of material will broaden your mind and develops your thinking. Just 10 minutes per day will add up to a lot of positive, inspirational and educational information over the course of a year.

Review your goals:

Take five minutes and review your goals. When you are trying to be more effective, every decision that you make should be made keeping your goals in mind. You don’t want to be wasting precious time on tasks which do not bring you closer to achieving your goals. That is why you should review your goals each day to make sure you stay focused and moving in the right direction. So make your goals a priority.

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